Hackathon Expert
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
English, Hindi, Gujarati
I am a React Native and Flutter Developer, and I have professional experience in Python, Javascript, and C++. I also seem to have a good experience with HTML, CSS, and Dart. I have a deep interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I have won multiple national and international hackathons and I am deep into research having 5 research papers published. Some of my achievements include : -
Singapore India Hackathon 2023 Winner
Smart India Hackathon 2022 Winner.
Runner Up UNESCO Indi...read more
IIT Patna
Research Intern
Sapio Analytics
ML Intern and associate project manager
Jobs Territory
React Native Intern
App developer
J P Morgan
External engagement program
Earnest Data Analytics Private Limited
Flutter and Machine Learning Developer
D. J. Sanghvi college of engineering
Btech in Computer science