🎉 news alert: sprect receives angel funding read more 🎊
sprect means ‘super connect’.
interactions, meetings, connects that seem farfetched and forever pending – we make them happen!
we enable you to directly connect with anyone for a 1:1 secure and private interaction, to get the knowledge and inspiration you need to get ahead.
find PROs by name, skills, profession, or university. filter by language, location and more.
pick your preferred date/time/duration and make PROs payment. we'll remind you before the meeting.
meet online at the scheduled time and video chat about anything you want.
find PROs by name, skills, profession, or university. filter by language, location and more.
pick your preferred date/time/duration and make PROs payment. we'll remind you before the meeting.
meet online at the scheduled time and video chat about anything you want.
find answers to frequently asked questions
Siddarth Shetty
chief business development officer
ServiceChannel (NYSE: FTV)